Friday, December 10, 2010


Helpful Tips from Los Angeles Animal Services

The holiday season is a time for colorful decorations and delicious foods to share with family and friends. With a few helpful tips from Los Angeles Animal Services, you can include your furry family members in your holiday planning and still be sure that your pets stay safe and enjoy this special time of year, too!

Bulbs, Tinsel, Ribbons and Wrapping Paper:

Pets may be drawn to holiday decoration that can cause them harm. Glass bulbs may be shiny and attractive but they are potentially harmful if shattered and eaten. Even things as harmless looking as tinsel, ribbons and wrapping paper can create a serious digestive problem when swallowed.

Candles can cause burns and fires. Never leave lighted candles unattended or within reach of your pet. Also try to keep tablecloths and table runners from hanging too low to the ground, tempting happy dogs to grab an end and pull!

Ornamental plants are a great way to dress up the house during the holidays but pet owners should be aware that many of these common plants can cause gastrointestinal upset and, if enough plant material is eaten, seizures, coma or even death. To be safe, place plants out of reach and monitor your pet’s interest in them. Check the plants for any signs of chewing or missing leaves. If your pet starts vomiting, has diarrhea or abdominal pain, excessive drooling, tremors or seizures – consult your veterinarian immediately.

Lighting and Electrical Cords:

If you are doing any special decorating that involves lights and electrical cords, you may be adding more intrigue for the inquisitive dog or cat. If you suspect that your pet has chewed an electrical cord, monitor his mouth for burns and watch for any difficulty breathing. If any symptoms develop, consult your veterinarian right away. 

Try not to leave exposed cords where the pup or kitten will be playing. You can cover them using regular PVC pipe from the hardware store or plastic casing from computer or household supply stores. There are products available at pet supply stores, such as Bitter Apple, to spray on cords to discourage chewing by making them taste bad.   If you are going out or unable to supervise your pet, unplug any electrical cords accessible in the pet’s area.
Kittens and some dogs are climbers, so lamps are not necessarily off limits to the more inquisitive and are potentially hazardous.  Replace burned out light bulbs right away. If you don’t have a bulb, leave the burned out bulb in place temporarily or unplug the lamp. The light socket is electrically charged and dangerous on a lamp that is plugged into power and does not have a light bulb. 

You know your pet best, so you can anticipate how they will react to holiday visitors. Having a quiet space available, away from commotion with water, food and toys will help some pets be more comfortable.  Using a pet gate to separate them from the main foot traffic or having them stay at a friend’s house during a party may be best for them and for others.

The holiday and party foods we enjoy cooking and eating can be a problem for your pet. Tell your guests the food rules for your pets. Rich, spicy, fatty or food your pet is not accustomed to eating can cause problems ranging from a stomach upset to severe pancreatitis.  Pets with serious digestive problems often require hospitalization for treatment. 

Don’t leave candy out. Chocolate can be fatal to animals, especially cats and small dogs. Alcoholic beverages are also toxic to pets.

Uncooked meat, poultry, fish and bones are hazardous. But, you can cook and strain these items into a tasty “Holiday Broth” that makes a great treat to pour over regular kibble.