Monday, May 10, 2010

FRANCISCO is adopted!

Rarely have the words "FINALLY HOME" meant so much to me as they did friday night when I drove Francisco to his forever home. Over the long holiday weekend I kept repeating to myself "Francisco is home, Francisco is home"... as if somehow I could not quite grasp the full meaning of what had just happened. Francisco meant a great deal to all of us at Sachi Animal Rescue: he was the one who had been behind bars the longest, the one we had to fight for tooth and nail to get out of his prison at a local rescue and in the process he became the symbol of our commitment and dedication. It was a long, painful and sometimes devastating journey we took along with him, leaving severed relationships and destroyed friendships behind us, and yet it was all along a journey worth taking because none of us ever lost sight of the ultimate prize.

Over the years placing "long timers", one constant remains: canine knows best. When that one person shows up for them, the one they have been waiting for, they always know before we do. It is that magical moment that is few and far between but oh so worth waiting for. No matter how many times they have been introduced to people and failed to get placed, there is that one person out there that they know will eventually make its way to them. The dogs never give up hope and neither should we. It is a testament to their resilience and incredible spirit that they are able to leave their difficult past behind and move on joyfully to the next chapter of their lives, no matter how old, how "damaged", how neglected. Francisco waited over 5 years to find Susan and Pablo but when he did, there was nothing more natural and beautiful than the bond he immediately forged with the ones he can now call "His Humans" Indeed, Francisco is Home!