Sachi Animal Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization staffed entirely by volunteers who donate their time and money to find homes for deemed hard to place dogs.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
new SAR dog - meet "MAGGIE"
Miss Maggie came to us as an "owner turn-in". He owners had adopted her from a shelter back in June as a companion for their other dog. They are moving and are only allowed one dog in their new home. Poor Maggie was not going to be able to go to their new home. Maggie is not handling her situation well. Too many moves in too short of time. She bonded with her second family, and this family let her down just like the first one. Maggie was completely shut down when she came to the kennel. She wouldn't come out of her dog house. When she came out, she shook with fear. She is slowing starting to come out of her shell. She will come out of her dog house to see people she knows. She still shakes a bit, but it's getting better. We are taking it slow with Miss Maggie, letting her get comfortable at her own speed. Maggie is 7 years old, and still has lots of good years left. She is calm and well behaved. She deserves much better than she has been given. She needs a forever home that will love and cherish her for the rest of her life.