Sachi Animal Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization staffed entirely by volunteers who donate their time and money to find homes for deemed hard to place dogs.

Friday, November 26, 2010
New dog ... meet TY
Hi my name is TY
But u can call me love bug, because my favorite thing is cuddling!!!
So over my short life I have been bounced around 3 different homes. My last home didn’t understand the amount of responsibly a dog would be. I was looked up in a run without shelter. They would forget to feed me and fill up my water bowl but that’s not the worst! They left me out in the cold poring rain at night! I was so lonely all I wanted was a human to cuddle with. Thankfully I was rescued now I have the opportunity to share my love with someone special ….. Are you my someone special ??? I am the perfect family dog I love people and I really like the mini ones …. What are they called ? oh ya kids ! I am also great with other dogs the more friends the better ! … almost forgot I am house trained so there will be no accidences. See I am perfect …
SOooOoooOoooooooo will you be my forever home ??????