Sachi Animal Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization staffed entirely by volunteers who donate their time and money to find homes for deemed hard to place dogs.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Operation Blankets of Love
Dear Friend:
We have all seen them, the homeless animals on the street, scrounging for a scrap of food or a place to hide. We see the shows about animal hoarders, abusers and dog fighting rings. As animal lovers, our hearts break. We would love to help each and every homeless animal, but how? Not everyone can adopt or foster an animal due to their own personal circumstances. And while shelters are drastically better than life on the street for these animals, there are so many homeless animals and so little room, that some shelters have no choice but to euthanize the ones that aren't adopted.
But there is a way to help save the lives of those innocent victims of abuse, neglect and abandonment!
Operation Blankets of Love (OBOL) provides blankets, comforters, towels, pet beds, toys, food, treats dog igloos, grooming supplies, vitamins, pet clothing, flea medication, water and food bowls, gates, leashes, harnesses, collars, diapers, first aid items, clothing and more to ensure that these innocent animals have a chance at life.
Studies show that animals, when given a blanket or soft bedding, become relaxed, feel safer, happier and more secure, increasing their chance of adoption.
I see it all the time: the heartbreak, fear, loneliness, anxiety of homeless animals in shelter cages. I'm sure they must be wondering what they did to deserve being abandoned or abused.
A 2-year old mixed Terrier/Chihuahua was found on the street and rescued by a local shelter. His ears were torn. He was emaciated, shivering and his paws were burned from walking in the heat. The face of this poor dog was so sad. He was in pain and shaking uncontrollably in his empty cell. We donated a cute doggie outfit to make him feel warm and gave him a big comforter. He immediately began to relax and stopped shaking. The effects are really that fast. It's almost magical.
We found a senior collie mix at a shelter in pretty bad shape. An owner surrender, he was matted and sickly. I tried to imagine how he felt being left alone away from the only people he knew and loved. It broke my heart. Most senior dogs do not get adopted and are left to die. We gave him a soft blanket and he started to relax. His tail even wagged a bit at first. The shelter provided the needed medical care while we started searching for some help. Because OBOL donates to over 400 animal rescue groups, I knew a few that adopt only senior dogs. By networking, we were able to get him adopted within 48 hours. He found a loving home and now has a new family of his own.
There is hope.
There is a second chance for many of these animals to find loving homes. You can help.
OBOL is a non-profit, 501c3 charity. We do not receive government, state or city funding, but rely on the generosity of individuals and groups like you.
Your financial contribution helps to offset the many expenses of providing comfort to these animals including transportation. Each week, we travel more than 500 miles to collect, transport and distribute recycled and new pet-related items. We travel to schools, youth and civic groups giving humane presentations and appear at Pet/Adoption Expos so that we can help educate the public on the needs of shelters.
We help 400 animal rescue groups whose budgets do not include funds for comfort items that are desperately needed. Our donations allow them to use their budgeted funds to adopt more animals out of the shelter, for medical care,spaying and neutering, microchip insertion and general care for their charges.
We reach over 1,000 homeless animals each month. Your gift can help us reach many more! Please send your most generous gift today: $10, $25, $100 or more. All gifts are greatly appreciated.
Share your love and give today so that we can continue to reach thousands of animals that desperately need our help.
On behalf of homeless pets, thank you for your continued support.
Yours for the pets,
Eileen Smulson
Founder & President
Operation Blankets of Love
P.S. We are busier than ever reaching thousands of abandoned adult and newborn pets.
P.S.S. Please give the Gift of Life today. The animals need us now.